Be Stupid, Make A Video, Post It And Get Arrested

Posted by Dijo On Friday, January 12, 2007 0 comments
A group of upstate teens in NY were found to be dumb enough to brandish guns in a rap video and they wanted to make sure that everybody knew about the heights of stupidity that they could reach. So what do theses fellas do??? Simple. Go off and post the video on YouTube.

Then the story turns sordid. Apparently these guns were not just for showing off, they actually planned to rob a drug dealer. But stupidity comes to the rescue: This video is seen by City Councilman Mark McGrath who is amused by their antics until the guns pop out. Off goes the news to the mayor. Then the police comes in. The aforementioned teens are seen in a car and the police sees one of them tucking in a handgun into his belt.

End of story.

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