Mario the ruler who is still ruling...

Posted by Vyom Mahadevia On Saturday, January 13, 2007 0 comments
Mario has been ruling the video game scenario since i was a child, or i should say it has been ruling it since a decade before i was even born (from the 80's) and the surprising fact is that it is still ruling. Nintendo is not holding back on Mario products being sold; i dont see any reason as to why it should not rule in the future. ‘The Independant’ in London has published their list of the top 20 video game franchises in the world. has all the details.

The amazing element in this list is Nintendo makes up for 4 titles all in top 10 in the top 20 list. And what more it bag's the first two spots with Mario in the top spot (193 million) and Pokemon takes the second spot (155 million). This is what had to say:

Mario, with sales of 193 million worldwide is at number one, followed by Pokemon (155m) and Final Fantasy (68m). EA’s Madden is the top-ranked US product (56m) followed by The Sims (54m). Crash Bandicoot at 13 is the next highest (35m) with James Bond, Command & Conquer and Mortal Kombat filling out the lower places. Japan dominates the list with 11 of the top 20. British-originated products Grand Theft Auto and Tomb Raider are also included at places six and 16 with Korea’s Lineage at 11.

Here’s the list.

1. 'Mario': 193 million.
2. 'Pokémon': 155 million
3. 'Final Fantasy': 68 million
4. 'Madden NFL': 56 million
5. 'The Sims': 54 million
6. 'Grand Theft Auto': 50 million
7. 'Donkey Kong': 48 million (centre)
8. 'The Legend of Zelda': 47 million
9. 'Sonic the Hedgehog': 44 million
10. 'Gran Turismo': 44 million
11. 'Lineage': 43 million
12. 'Dragon Quest': 41 million
13. 'Crash Bandicoot': 34 million
14. 'Resident Evil': 31 million
15. 'James Bond': 30 million
16. 'Tomb Raider': 30 million
17. 'Mega Man': 26 million
18. 'Command & Conquer': 25 million
19. 'Street Fighter': 25 million
20. 'Mortal Kombat': 20 million

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