PS3 The Best Console Of 2006 says IGN

Posted by Vyom Mahadevia On Wednesday, January 17, 2007 0 comments
This was a surprising piece of news we read on the famous game site IGN. IGN gave its best console of the year award to PS3 that came to me as a shock, actually i found it a bit strange because recently the news has been all around that Wii is the winner of the console war and if not Wii then it has to be the Xbox with the most number of sales during the last year but its definitely not PS3 anyway here is what IGN had to say about it.

Nintendo's Wii launched to massive mainstream applause and a lot of hope has been placed in the potential for gaming innovation via the console's unique controller. Nintendo disappointed some, however, by choosing not embrace HDTV or to compete with Sony and Microsoft in processing power. The Wii can't even play normal DVDs.

Judging the consoles based upon a broad perspective that includes software now available and coming in the future an entirely different argument could be formulated. However, from a hardware perspective, the PS3 is by far the more interesting console. Though the launch software hasn't blown anyone away, the 360's launch titles were equally unimpressive, and the system will certainly mature. Sony's embrace of the PS3 as a computer rather than just a console, and the availability of supported Linux distributions for the console will also develop and will likely bear entirely unexpected fruit in future.

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